What we do

We consult with our clients to help manage outcomes research activities including design, implementation, and assessment of findings.  Specifically, we help our clients with:

  • Document unmet need and conduct burden of illness studies

  • Conduct comparative effectiveness research studies using clinical, economic, and humanistic outcomes

  • Patient-reported outcomes using surveys, disease-specific and generic instruments

  • Perform literature searches including structured and systematic reviews

  • Use data sources including healthcare claims databases, electronic medical records, chart reviews, and surveys

  • Collaborate with clinicians, research partners, and other stakeholders

  • Review requests for proposals, research proposals, statistical study protocols, and results

  • Develop publication plans including abstracts, posters, and manuscript

We strive to provide quality services by both maintaining transparencies and applying the necessary rigors of the scientific method to each research question.


  • Observational studies

    • Prospective: Cohort, registries, and pragmatic studies

    • Retrospective: Case-control, cohort, and case-only study designs

  • Signal detection and post-marketing surveillance


  • Cost-effectiveness analysis

  • Budget Impact Models

  • Decision trees, Monte Carlos Simulations, and economic modeling

  • Cost per outcome and Number-needed-to-treat (NNT) analysis


  • Regression models including linear regression, logistic regression, and cox-proportional hazard models

  • Time to event and survival analyses

  • Propensity scores and disease risk scores

  • Network meta-analysis